201 New Structural Officials of UMY 2017/2021 Are Inaugurated

September 4, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Dr. Ir. Gunawan, M.P. officially inaugurated 201 new structural officials 2017/2021 on Thursday (30/8). Witnessed by Chairperson, Secretary, and Members of Board of Trustees (BPH) of UMY, Rector of UMY inducted heads and staffs of units at UMY. “I have to ensure that each bureaus and units at UMY

NATIONAL SEMINAR “Stewardship of Land in order to Capital Investment” And Memorandum of Undesrtanding Signing.

August 7, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Capital investment have an important role to increase economic development on region. The capital investment target can’t be separated from terrain needs and adjustment of spatial use.the steps and strategic plan to attract investors to give their invest in Indonesia, especially in Bali and D.I. Yogyakarta have pro and contra of government outlook to scure